Thursday, 19 November 2015

Design Idea 2

For my second design I decided to do something that incorporated crimping and curling. I really liked the idea of big hair that had been crimped and backcombed and wanted to experiment with different shapes so designed a rounded hairstyle.

To do this I sectioned off the front of the hair and crimped it using crimpers. I then backcombed it using a pin tail comb but left two small sections above the ears. I pinned the hair into place at the back of the head to create the round shape. I the used curling tongs to curl the two sections of hair i left above the ears.

I then put the rest of the hair in a pony tail and put it in a twist bun, using kirby grips to pin it into place.

I really liked the volume that the crimping and backcombing gave to the hair and decided i would definitely use this in my final design. I did, however, prefer the heart shape that I had practiced in earlier sessions rather than a round hair style.

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